[廣東話] Python 入門:第五課 – Function + File

  1. Define functions
    • Def keyword
    • Parameters, arguments, return value, None
    • Parameters passing: Use of tuple (*) / dictionary (**)
  2. File
    • Read / write / copy / delete / file exists

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[廣東話] Python 入門:第四課 – If-Else, Looping, Try-except

If-Else, Looping, Try-except

  1. If conditions (if-else / if-elif-else)
  2. Looping
    1. While loop + for loop with “break” & “continue”
      List comprehension / dictionary comprehension
  3. Try-except

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[廣東話] Python 入門:第三課 – Python containers (2): Dictionary / Set

Python Containers (第二部分)

  1. Review list, tuple, dictionary & set (列表, 元組, 字典, 集合)
  2. Dictionary: Conversion, access by key, get, update, remove, clear, keys, values, items, copy
  3. Set: Conversion, intersection (&), union (|), difference (-)

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[廣東話] Python 入門:第二課 – Python Containers – List / Tuple

Python Containers

  1. Python Containers
    1. List [] -列表
    2. Tuple () -元組
    3. Dictionary {key:value} -字典
    4. Set {key} -集合
  2. Using List
    • Append, add, insert, extend, pop, del, sort, copy
  3. Using Tuple
    • Accessing elements, variable assignment

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[廣東話] Python 入門:第一課 – PyCharm, Python examples & Python data types

[廣東話] Python 入門:第一課 – PyCharm, Python examples & Python data types

基於 Python 3.7 的教程,以廣東話教授。

# 第一課: PyCharm, Hello world, data type

  1. Pycharm IDE basic usage
  2. Indentation, print function
  3. Four main data type: str, int, float, bool
  4. Basic calculation
  5. Type conversion: int(), float(), str(), bool()
  6. String concatenation
  7. SLICE operation [start:end:step]
  8. String functions: find, replace, etc.

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